Innovative Editing’s official Writing Rule #1 of 2020 – like this week’s Definition and Challenge – is centered around turning you into a published author, showing that yes, you can write a first draft in a year.
You can even write a full book in a year, and a polished, engaging, professionally presented one at that.
It all depends on your schedule, your focus, and your motivation levels. As for the latter, that can be internally or externally motivated.
As we've discussed earlier on in the week, there is help for those who need an external kick in the creative pants. It's a program that accepts you where you are, analyzes your abilities and goals, and encourages you to accomplish – or surpass – your expectations.
It’s as simple as that.
Every success story has a beginning. And, more often than not, it’s a well thought-out one.
So let’s carefully think yours through.
Determining your specific circumstances is never a bad first step in becoming a published author.
When it comes to writing a book in a year – or less. Or at all – everyone has a different style, a different schedule and a different ideal environment to work in.
Writers can help themselves out significantly by understanding what suits them best instead of trying to conform to someone else’s strategy. That way, they have a much better chance of turning their time into a story or nonfiction manuscript worth publishing.
Ask yourself what kind of book you want to write. Is it fiction or nonfiction? For business purposes, inspiration or enjoyment?
Every specific genre has an expected word count, you see, though that can be toyed with when going the self-publishing route. Which, of course, presents another consideration in and of itself.
Then there’s you. The writer. The author-to-be. What does your life look like?
How much responsibility do you have on your shoulders?
How motivated are you?
What’s your financial situation?
These are all good questions that do have answers, most of which can lead you straight to the publishing point.
Again though, your publishing point is personalized. Hence the reason why the Write a Book in a Year incentive-based program has four different options to choose from:
The month-to-month Ease Write in Plan ($125 before $75 success-based refund)
The quarter-to-quarter Write on Plan ($375 before $225 success-based refund)
The six-month stint(s) Write of Way Plan ($750 before $450 success-based refund)
The one-year Write to the Point Plan ($1,500 before $900 success-based refund)
All four are designed to reimburse you as you meet each new writing goal. And they come complete with phone or Skype one-on-ones to answer the questions involved in writing a book.
Your book. Your way. Your success story.
You might really be able to write a first draft in three months when properly incentivized. That means you could pay $375 for one round of the Write on Plan… making $225 of it back by the time you’re done.
Or you might need to do two, three or four rounds of it, since you don't want to pay for the full author-to-be enchilada all at once. In that case, you can simply renew the Write on Plan until you’re finished.
There are very few hard-and-fast rules to apply when finding your perfect fit. But here’s the most important exception:
Once you sign on, you leave all excuses behind. If you’re going to write a first draft in a year – this year! – then accept no substitutes.
It’s time to make this happen.