We’re wrapping up our short and sweet series on writing an author’s bio. And I’ll admit right up front that it's been very self-publishing focused.
For that matter, you’ll find that the next few weeks’ topics are going to be much the same way. Oh, there will be information in there for people who want to go the traditional publishing route. Just not as much as usual.
With that said, I do think the skills we are and will be covering are good to keep in mind. Just in case.
I mean, I never thought I was going to self-publish. Yet look at me now, with 12 novels to my name in more ways than one.
Before you freak out, I’m not saying that’s going to be you too. I’m only pointing out how, sometimes, plans change.
Considering the stigma and complexity associated with such things though, rest assured that the Writing Rule below applies strictly to the traditional crowd. So you’re not committing to anything self-directed by looking it over.
It’s safe. I promise.
It might seem a little premature to write an author’s bio before you get the publishing contract. It might even seem like a waste of time considering how, no doubt, your traditional publisher-to-be will have some guidelines about what you should and shouldn’t include in it.
And that’s fine. You can rewrite it then. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t compose it now to begin with. In fact, maybe you really should, considering all its benefits.
Writing an author’s bio can help you write a query letter.
Even if you’re not going to self-publish, it might still be worthwhile for you to write an author’s bio to better understand what you offer readers. Besides, these are topics you’re supposed to address when reaching out to literary agents and publishing companies about your book-to-be.
The “about the author” segment of a query letter is almost always going to be shorter than that of a published book, of course. But constructing a mock-up for the latter is still good practice for the former.
Query letters are supposed to be both intriguing and assuring. Interesting to capture literary agents’ attention in the first place and assuring to let them know – or make them think – that you can handle yourself and your writing.
So by spending time thinking about your author’s bio and what readers might like about you, you can also come up with ways to impress the literary agents you have to get past first.
Here’s one more reason to write your author’s bio before you're ready to be published. Or even start seriously pursuing publishing.
For that matter, you might want to even make it happen before you finish your draft.
That's because doing so can set you up for success.
That’s true no matter whether you’re destined to be a self-published author or a traditionally published author.
Having that description of yourself down on paper can be a powerful motivation. So write it down, print it up and post it somewhere you can easily see.
Give yourself a reminder that you’re going to see your actual author’s bio someday in your actual book.
Just as soon as you get it published, one way or another.