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Jeannette DiLouie

How to Make Your Creative Writing More Realistic – Part 5

When it comes to how to make your creative writing more realistic, there’s a whole ton to be said on the subject. That's why we've had a whole entire series on the subject. But a lot of it is crazy nuanced. So it’s much easier to show it than to tell it.

As such, I would love to show it. Believe me. Except that there’s one other issue at stake. And here it is…

There are countless cases of crazy nuanced mistakes we creative writers can make since there are countless crazy nuanced topics we can write about.

Consider that you’re writing about a teacher. But what kind of teacher? Male or female? Newbie or nearing retirement? Public or private?

After all, not every educator is alike.

What grade does this teacher teach? Is he or she jaded or enthusiastic? Creative or by the book?

Every single one of those details makes a difference in how the teacher behaves, what he or she says, and how he or she says it.

Once the creative writer in question has established a fact about a character – or a setting, plot or dialogue rule – within the story, it’s pretty much set in stone: to be broken only with good reason and even better explanation.

If that makes perfect sense to the point where you’re wondering whether you should just click out of this video transcript, good! I’m happy to hear you’ve already got this concept nailed down.

That’s awesome.

However, it doesn’t mean you’re never going to make a mistake across your 60,000, 75,000, 90,000 or 105,000-word manuscript. Hate to break it to you but, inevitably, you will.

That’s why it’s always necessary to get someone else’s opinion when you’re trying to make creative writing more realistic. Because they’re going to be able to see your story from a perspective that isn’t your own.

They may or may not be experts on your setting, your character profiles or your plot. But they can still point out when something just doesn’t read right.

Like when a construction worker from Wisconsin sounds a whole lot more like a con artist from Louisiana…

When a supposedly historical setting comes across as far too modern day…

When a seven-year-old character’s dialogue much more mimics a four-year-old child’s speech…

Never, ever think you’re going to get it right every single time.

That’s not realistic in real life. And it certainly isn’t any way to make your creative writing more so.

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