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Jeannette DiLouie

What a Creative Writer Really Needs to Prep for National Novel Writing Month

Today, I fully plan on being a tease. But it’s for your own good, creative writer. Your good and the good of your next National Novel Writing Month manuscript-creating experience.

You see, next week’s Innovative Editing’s Writing Tips Review comes out on Tuesday. And it’s totally centered around properly prepping for NaNoWriMo.

Think it’s a bit early to be talking about November?

Think again!

It could already be October by the time you’re seeing this. It’s almost October as I write it. Which begs the question: What comes after October?

If you said November, then congratulations. You’re correct. Clearly, you deserve a prize for being such a smart creative writing cookie. And what better prize could you get than signing up for the completely complimentary Writing Tips Review?

Here’s what you get when you do…

  • Bite-sized summaries of the last week’s writing-related Definition, Challenge and Rule, as posted on, Facebook and Pinterest, plus links to more detailed articles that you only need click on if you have the time and inclination. Otherwise, keep it simple, sweetheart. This e-letter is all about you.

  • A free and immediate download of the all-inclusive “Writing Tips 101: Understanding Your Craft and Capabilities,” which – come to think of it – is a great NaNoWriMo prepping guide in and of itself.

  • Automatic inclusion in the quarterly Innovative Editing Insider, which tackles tough topics like writer’s block, how to design engaging dialogue and other hot-button creative writing-related issues.

In fact, the next Insider is going out on Saturday, October 7. And it’s a really timely one, delving into the issue of how to win friends and influence people as an author – no matter how crazy opinionated society gets about everything under the sun.

As you can see, the intro to Issue #10 is copied for you below. But if you want to read the rest, you’re going to have to join right here (or click the image above).

Dear Creative Writer,

Here’s a newsflash for all you authors and authors-in-the-making...

You’re never going to please everyone. Not in what you say and definitely not in what you write.

I know we all have an innate (and possibly inane) desire to be loved and lauded by everyone who knows of our existence. But if we’re being honest with ourselves, we’ll have to admit that’s just not how reality works.

Instead, reality is filled with a whole lot of personal variables, including:

• Birth order

• Geographical location

• Nationality

• Religion

• Upbringing

• Gender

• Personality.

And that’s the short list, so it’s no wonder we have so many differences! This does admittedly make authors’ jobs a bit tricky if they want to be genuine to their own beliefs without alienating large swaths of readers. But it’s not impossible.

The first step is actually to accept that you’re going to step on some people’s toes when you write what you want to write.

Happy writing!


That’s it for the Innovative Editing Insider intro. If you want the actual groundbreaking, non-offensive, author-in-charge information, then click here and I’ll see you in October!

But remember, you’re going to want to click soon, preferably before National Novel Writing Month gets underway without you.

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