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Jeannette DiLouie

A Delightfully Crazy Chat With Author Lia Mack

Podcast Audio Link: Click here.

Podcast Transcript: Okay, everyone. Thank you so much for joining us for The Genuine Writers Podcast. I believe it is episode number 8 and, yes, I said "us" because it is not just me yapping at you today about stuff you should or should not do. I have that special guest that I promised a couple weeks ago: my dear friend and absolutely amazing writing partner, Lia Mack.

I'm so happy that she's here. You have no idea. This is going to be so awesome. One little technical note though before I let her say a word or two: the sound quality on my end. Lia is probably going to come across nice and crisp and clear because she has actually professional equipment with her. Me on the other hand though... I'm being lazy and lounging on my couch and didn't feel like getting up and getting my microphone.

So if I sound horrible, I apologize, but I didn't care enough to do anything about it.

Okay, Lia, with your awesome technological equipment. How are you doing? And tell everyone a little bit about about yourself.

Lia Mack: Well, thank you so much, Jeannette. I am really excited to be here on your podcast. I love listening to it, and now I get to listen to myself, which I don't know. I don't know. That might not be a good thing because I do have a couple of accents.

To tell a little bit about myself, I grew up a military brat. So I've got a little bit of Michigan, little bit of Texas, have some Italian. Colorado, if Colorado has an accent. I definitely say "pop." You know: Coke, what kind of Coke do you want? That's not sexy. Everything's a Coke. I'll have a Sprite.

Okay. I grew up a little bit in Italy as an Air Force brat, so it was a wonderful childhood. My first book, Waiting for Paint to Dry, is about subsequently a military brat who – yeah, I used a little bit of my own personal experience because you know the whole adage is to write what you know, right? So I really enjoyed it.

Writing it it took me 10 years. They say it takes 10 to five years to publish your first book because you're learning the craft of writing at the same time as you're writing the book and getting it published, sending out queries and all this stuff.

Jeannette DiLouie: And how about your second book later? How long is it going to take to get that one out?

Lia Mack: I think that one's gonna be five years. So, you know, that's only half the time. The sequel has been written. It is in editing right now, and it's it's coming together. I'm very excited about it because I have other projects that I need to get under way. And actually, I've noticed that I enjoy working on multiple projects at the same time. So I'm working on my young adult 5-book series. I'm doing all the research for other books.

Jeannette DiLouie: See, I was going to say that's where you and I differ, but I agree I can

do research for one project and actually be working on writing or editing another at the same time. That doesn't bother me, but like actually working on writing two different stories? Forget it. There's no way.

Lia Mack: I feel like I would be more productive because when I get sick of one, I can just bump to the other one if I'm just working on one book and I get sick of it. Or, you know, I'm at a stumbling block or I'm waiting for my characters to talk to me while I'm taking a nap.

Jeannette DiLouie: No, I have heard other people say that before. I think what it comes down to is, you know, different people. You have to understand that you are an individual, not just as a person but also as a writer, and you have to figure out what works best for you.

Lia Mack: Yes, that is my favorite part of life: figuring out what you like and just sticking to it.

Jeannette DiLouie: Sometimes that's awesome. And sometimes I would much rather just be lazy and conform. But now that I've mentioned twice how lazy I can be, which probably is not very flattering at all to me... So speaking of conforming, I was telling Lia before the podcast actually started that I found this article, and it's called "50 brilliant original questions to ask an author." And the whole entire premise of this article is that authors get asked the same exact questions every time they make an appearance and those questions are – honestly, I've never really gotten tired of the questions. I don't care, but apparently they offend this person.

So here here are the three questions every author gets asked when they make an appearance: No. 1) Where do you get your ideas? No 2) What is your writing process like? No. 3) What advice do you have for writers?

Lia Mack: Every time, what is my advice for writers. Just write...

Editor's Note: Due to technical issues and lack of time, unfortunately, the transcript ends here. You'll just have to listen to the rest.

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