Yesterday morning, I did something extremely brave. Or extremely crazy.
Either way, it’s extremely exciting.
I put in my 3-weeks-and-1-day notice to my nine-to-five – the job I’ve had for over nine years now – in order to focus entirely on building up Innovative Editing and writing my books.
This decision is a long time coming considering how I’ve been writing novel-length manuscripts for 17 years now, publishing them for three and running Innovative Editing for five.
The thing is, I love writing. Absolutely love it!
You know how in the 1981 classic Chariots of Fire, Eric Liddell says, “I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run, I feel his pleasure”?
Well, that’s how I genuinely feel about writing.
And helping people figure out their own writing potential: helping them hone their craft until they have something they can proudly show the world… whether it’s a novel, a master’s thesis or a business project?
Well, I love that too.
Moreover, I’m good at it. You don’t need to look further than my website to see that.
I’m not bragging. It’s just a fact. (Rather like how, on the flipside, I’m atrocious at math.)
Yet the time just never felt right to lay everything on the line the way that full-out entrepreneurship requires. Until now.
It took months and months of saving; mental, spiritual and emotional preparation; and researching my various markets and marketing options. But I’m officially ready to do this.
That’s why I’m very proud to announce that Innovative Editing is open for business 9-5, M-F!
Send your writing projects and aspirations on over.
They’ll be in good hands.